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What are the top 10 online marketing steps for creating a social media presence for a business

When developing an online presence, you will need the collective knowledge and expertise of multiple web experts ranging from : Website Developer, Analytics SEO, Content Writer, Graphics Designer, Social Media Marketer

There is no such thing as an all-round expert which is why you should a) Employ them – a collective minimum salary of approximately – £180,000 per year, b) Use multiple agencies to manage the 5 keys roles/jobs, or c) Seek an online media agency who have the expertise and in-house resources toward building both your online presence and marketing expectations.

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We’ve put together the following top 10 key marketing aspects to explain what’s involved in managing and promoting your online presence.

We have also included helpful and practical steps that you will need to get started – information that thousands of businesses out there are blissfully unaware!

1. Define Your Target Audience :

Understand who your target audience is and what platforms they use.

How Do You Do That

1. Conduct Market Research : Use tools such as surveys, focus groups, and interviews to gather information about your target audience’s demographics, interests, and behaviour.

2. Analyze Your Existing Customer Base : Look at the data you have on your current customers, such as their age, gender, location, and purchase history.

3. Utilise Social Media Analytics : Use social media analytics tools to see which platforms your audience is using and how they are engaging with your content.

4. Look At Industry Statistics And Trends : Research industry statistics and trends to see which platforms are popular among your target audience.

5. Study Your Competitors : Look at the social media presence of your competitors and see which platforms they are using and how they are engaging with their audience.

6. Test And Experiment : Try out different platforms and see which ones are most effective in reaching and engaging with your target audience.

2. Create A Content Calendar :

Plan out your content in advance and make sure it aligns with your overall marketing strategy.

How Do You Do That

1. Set Goals And Objectives : Clearly define your goals and objectives for your social media presence and how they align with your overall marketing strategy.

2. Conduct A Content Audit : Review your existing content and see what has worked well in the past and what has not.

3. Define Your Content Themes : Identify the themes that align with your goals and objectives and will be the focus of your content.

4. Assign Responsibilities : Assign specific tasks and responsibilities for creating and publishing content to different team members.

5. Schedule Time For Creation and Curation : Schedule time for creating new content and curating relevant content from other sources.

6. Schedule Time for Creation and Curation : Schedule time for creating new content and curating relevant content from other sources.

7. Use Analytics to Evaluate Performance : Use analytics tools to evaluate the performance of your content and make adjustments as necessary.

8. Keep Your Audience in Mind : Always think about your target audience when planning your content and make sure it is relevant and engaging to them.

9. Keep Your Brand in Mind : Your content should always align with your brand’s tone, voice and messaging.

10. Be Flexible and Adaptive : Be open to making changes to your content and calendar based on audience engagement and feedback.

3 . Use Engaging Visuals :

Use high-quality images and videos to grab the attention of your audience.

How Do You Do That

1. Use High-Resolution Images : Use high-resolution images that are clear, crisp and visually pleasing to the eye.

2. Use Professional Photography : Invest in professional photography that aligns with your brand and messaging.

3. Optimise Images for Social Media : Optimise images for the specific dimensions and requirements of each Social Media Platform.

4. Use Visually Appealing Videos : Use videos that are visually appealing and engaging, such as animation, live-action, or explainer videos.

5. Use Captions and Subtitles : Add captions and subtitles to your videos to make them more accessible and increase engagement.

6. Use Storytelling In Your Videos : Use storytelling techniques to make your business video explainers more engaging and memorable.

7. Use Video Editing Software : Use video editing software to add effects, transitions, and other enhancements to your videos.

8. Use Interactive Videos : Use interactive videos to increase engagement and encourage audience participation.

9. Use Closed Captions : Use closed captions to make your videos accessible to a wider audience, including those with hearing impairments.

10. Test and Measure : Test different images and videos and measure the engagement and performance to optimise your strategy.

4 . Engage With Your Audience :

Respond to comments, messages, and reviews to build a relationship with your audience.

How Do You Do That

1. Monitor Your Social Media Accounts : Regularly check your social media accounts for comments, messages, and reviews.

2. Respond in a Timely Manner : Respond to comments, messages, and reviews in a timely manner, preferably within 24 hours.

3. Use a Friendly and Professional Tone : Use a friendly and professional tone when responding to comments, messages, and reviews.

4. Show Appreciation : Show appreciation for positive comments, messages, and reviews and thank your audience for their feedback.

5. Address Negative Comments and Reviews : Address negative comments and reviews in a constructive and professional manner and try to find a solution to the issue.

6. Encourage Engagement : Encourage engagement by asking questions or starting a conversation in your responses.

7. Personalise Your Responses : Personalise your responses by using the person’s name and addressing them directly.

8. Be Authentic : Be authentic and transparent in your responses, and avoid using canned or generic responses.

9. Use Emoticons and Emojis : Use emoticons and emojis to add tone and personality to your responses.

10. Measure and Track : Measure and track the engagement and sentiment of your responses and make adjustments as necessary.

5 . Utilise Paid Advertising :

Use paid advertising to reach a larger audience and increase brand awareness.

How Do You Do That

1. Set Clear Goals and Objectives : Clearly define your goals and objectives for your paid advertising campaigns.

2. Research your Audience : Research your target audience and their behaviour on different platforms to determine which platforms to advertise on.

3. Define your Budget : Define your budget and allocate funds for different platforms and ad formats.

4. Use Targeting Options : Use targeting options such as demographics, interests, and behaviour to reach the right audience.

5. Use Different Ad Formats : Use different ad formats such as images, videos, carousels, and stories to reach a larger audience.

6. Use A/B Testing : Use A/B testing to test different ad variations and optimise your ads for better performance.

7. Use Retargeting : Use retargeting to reach users who have previously interacted with your brand.

8. Use Influencer Marketing : Use influencer marketing to reach a larger audience and increase brand awareness.

9. Measure and Track : Measure and track the performance of your ads and make adjustments as necessary to optimise your campaigns.

10. Optimise for Conversions : Optimise your ads for conversions by including a clear call-to-action and by driving traffic to landing pages that are optimised for conversions.

6. Optimise Your Profiles :

Make sure your profiles are complete and contain all relevant information about your business.

How Do You Do That

1. Use a Consistent Brand Name and Profile Picture : Use a consistent brand name and profile picture across all platforms to increase brand recognition.

2. Write a Compelling Bio : Write a compelling bio that clearly communicates your brand’s mission, values, and services.

3. Use Keywords : Use keywords in your profile and bio that are relevant to your brand and industry.

4. Fill Out All Profile Information : Fill out all profile information, including contact information, website, and location.

5. Use Relevant Hashtags : Use relevant hashtags in your profile and bio to increase visibility and reach a larger audience.

6. Link to Other Social Media Profiles : Link to other social media profiles to increase cross-promotion and engagement.

7. Use Call-to-Action : Use call-to-action in your profile to encourage engagement and conversion.

8. Pin a Post : Pin a post to the top of your profile to increase visibility and engagement.

9. Regularly Update your Profile : Regularly update your profile to keep it fresh and relevant.

10. Measure and Track : Measure and track the performance of your profiles and make adjustments as necessary to optimise them.

7. Use Analytics :

Use analytics tools to track your social media performance and adjust your strategy accordingly.

How Do You Do That

1. Identify Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) : Identify key performance indicators such as engagement, reach, website traffic, and conversions.

2. Use Built-In Analytics : Use the built-in analytics tools provided by each social media platform to track performance.

3. Use Third-Party Analytics Tools : Use third-party analytics tools such as Hootsuite, Sprout Social, and Google Analytics to gain a more comprehensive view of your performance.

4. Track Engagement : Track engagement metrics such as likes, comments, shares, and followers to see how your audience is interacting with your content.

5. Track Reach : Track reach metrics such as views, impressions, and reach to see how many people are seeing your content.

6. Track Website Traffic : Track website traffic metrics such as clicks, bounce rate, and conversion rate to see how your social media efforts are impacting your website.

7. Track Conversions : Track conversions such as sales, leads, and sign-ups to see how your social media efforts are impacting your bottom line.

8. Use A/B Testing : Use A/B testing to test different strategies and see which ones are most effective.

9. Use Heat Maps : Use heat maps to see where users are clicking on your website and how they are interacting with your content.

10. Use Sentiment Analysis : Use sentiment analysis to see how users are feeling about your brand and content.

8. Collaborate With Influencers :

Partner with influencers in your industry to reach a larger audience and gain credibility.

How Do You Do That

1. Research Influencers : Research influencers in your industry who have a large following and engagement with their audience.

2. Look for Influencers Who Align with your Brand : Look for influencers whose values, tone, and messaging align with your brand.

3. Build Relationships : Build relationships with influencers by engaging with their content and interacting with them on social media.

4. Create a Partnership Proposal : Create a partnership proposal that outlines the benefits of working with your brand and the specific ways in which you plan to collaborate.

5. Negotiate Terms : Negotiate terms such as compensation, deliverables, and timelines with the influencer.

6. Create a Contract : Create a contract that outlines the terms of the partnership and ensures that both parties are clear on their responsibilities.

7. Provide Guidelines : Provide guidelines for the influencer to ensure that the content they create aligns with your brand’s messaging and values.

8. Track Performance : Track the performance of the partnership by measuring engagement, reach, and conversions.

9. Use the Influencer’s Feedback : Use the influencer’s feedback to improve your strategy and create better partnerships in the future.

10. Use the Influencer’s Audience : Use the influencer’s audience to gain credibility and reach a larger audience.

9. Hosting Events :

Use social media to promote events, webinars, and live streams to engage with your audience in real-time.

How Do You Do That

1. Create an Event Page : Create an event page on your website or social media platform to provide information about the event, including the date, time, location, and registration details.

2. Use Social Media to Promote the Eevent : Use social media to promote the event by creating posts, stories, and ads that highlight the event’s key features and benefits.

3. Use a Catchy Hashtag : Use a catchy hashtag to make it easy for people to find and follow the event’s conversation on social media.

4. Use Live Streaming : Use live streaming to engage with your audience in real time and give them a behind-the-scenes look at the event.

5. Use Interactive Elements : Use interactive elements such as polls, quizzes, and Q&A sessions to engage with your audience and encourage participation.

6. Use Social Media to Create Buzz : Use social media to create buzz and anticipation leading up to the event.

7. Use Email Marketing : Use email marketing to send reminders and updates to registered attendees.

8. Use Social Media to Provide Updates : Use social media to provide updates and announcements leading up to and during the event.

9. Use Social Media to Create a Sense of Community : Use social media to create a sense of community among attendees and encourage networking and collaboration.

10. Use Social Media Promotions : Use Social Media to offer Promotions or discounts for those who register via social media.

11. Use Social Media : Use social media to live-tweet or live-stream the event, to give those who cannot attend a taste of the event.

12. Use Social Media Photo Albums : Use social media to create a photo album of the event, which can be shared on social media and also used for future marketing.

10. Measure Your ROI :

Use analytics tools to measure the ROI of your social media efforts and adjust your strategy accordingly.

How Do You Do That

1. Define your Goals : Define your goals and objectives for your social media efforts, such as increasing brand awareness, website traffic, or conversions.

2. Use Built-In Analytics : Use the built-in analytics tools provided by each social media platform to track your performance.

3. Use Third-Party Analytics Tools : Use third-party analytics tools such as Hootsuite, Sprout Social, and Google Analytics to gain a more comprehensive view of your performance.

4. Track Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) : Track key performance indicators (KPIs) such as engagement, reach, website traffic, and conversions to measure the ROI of your efforts.

5. Use A/B Testing : Use A/B testing to test different strategies and see which ones are most effective.

6. Use Heat Maps : Use heat maps to see where users are clicking on your website and how they are interacting with your content.

7. Use Sentiment Analysis : Use sentiment analysis to see how users are feeling about your brand and content.

8. Measure the Cost of your Social Media Activities : Measure the cost of your social media activities including the cost of tools, ad budget, and time spent.

9. Compare the Results with your Goals : Compare the results with your goals and objectives to see if you are meeting your targets.

10. Adjust your Strategy Accordingly : Use the data you have collected to adjust your strategy accordingly, by focusing on the areas that are working well, and making improvements to the areas that are not performing as well.

In summary, creating a social media presence for your business requires a well-defined target audience, a well-planned content calendar, engaging visuals, engagement with the audience, paid advertising, optimised profiles, analytics, collaboration with influencers, hosting events and measuring the return on investment (ROI) of your social media efforts in order to adjust the strategy accordingly.

By following these top tips, your business can increase its brand awareness, build relationships with your audience, and achieve your marketing goals – and as an added bonus, take a look our our : The 7 Qualities of a Great Website!


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